The first united Eurasian Congress for Psychotherapy, Russia, Moscow, 2013


Panel meetings of the Congress

Academisation of psychotherapy, psychotherapy education

CHAIRS: Roman Zakharov (Moscow, Russia), Sergey Babin (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

All directions of transactional analysis

CHAIRS: Galina Makarova (Moscow, Russia), Nadezhda Zuykova (Moscow, Russia), Zoran Milishkevich (Belgrade, Serbia)

Transactional analysis (TA) is one of the most popular and expressive methods of modern psychotherapy, used by Russian specialists more and more. Today TA spread far beyond the limits of psychotherapy and is successfully applied in coaching, mediation, consulting, education, not to mention the «brand names» of modern psychotherapy as practical psychology and counseling. And in each area TA has originality and its obvious achievements. The purpose of this section is to meet and unite professionals working in different areas of TA and representing various schools.


CHAIR: Nikolay Klepikov (Moscow, Russia), Ekaterina Rodina (Zaporizhia, Ukraine)

Balint groups is a method developed by Michael Balint in the 50’s last century in England, which has got broad recognition worldwide and has occupied an important place in the professional development of psychotherapists. In Russia Balint movement has not yet received its wide development. The major task of our workshop is the discussion and analysis of modern principles of Balint group work, borders of usage and development perspective of Balint movement in Russia.

Bioenergetic Analysis (Alexander Lowen)

CHAIRS: Francisco Garsia Esteban (Madrid, Spain), Andrey Zakharevich (Moscow, Russia)

Bioenergetic Analysis is a specific form of body-psychotherapy — based upon the continuity between body and mind — rooted in the work of Wilhelm Reich and founded by Alexander Lowen. BA basically combines a bodily, analytic and relational therapeutic work, based upon an energetic understanding. (From IIBA web page)

In this panel, some of the basic principles of Bioenergetic Analysis will be outlined, as well as its historical evolution and currently envisioned trends for the future. Its similarities and differences with other ways of working with “bio-energy” will also be explored in an attempt to offer a theoretical background that clarifies what it has in common and different with other approaches that also work with body and mind to alleviate suffering an promote human wellbeing.

Body-oriented psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Lev Belogorodskiy (Moscow, Russia), Courtenay Young (Edinburgh, Scotland), Lan Peсjak (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

The common base of the Body-Oriented Psychotherapy methods, which will be represented at the section, is using therapist's contact with the body of the client during therapy session (body-mind therapy). This using is based on inseverable connection of the body and the spiritual-mental area (mind) idea. Herewith we suppose that client's unreacted emotions and traumatic memories are impressed in body as a result of the functioning of physiological defense mechanisms. The work with it's physical display helps to correct client's psychological problems on the basis of a feedback. It helps client to grasp and accept repressed aspects of personality, to integrate them as parts of his (her) deep essence (self).

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Vladimir Kasatkin (Moscow, Russia)


CHAIRS: Irina Fedorus (Moscow, Russia), Konstantin Pavlov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Sean Gaffney (Stockholm, Sweden)


CHAIRS: Lidia Surina (Moscow, Russia)


CHAIRS: Vladimir Zavialov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Dianalysis is the original system of integrative psychotherapy and counseling, based on phenomenology and dialectics of the symbol by A.F.Losev. In Dianalysis the idea of «ontological personalism» is developed, a look at the man whose existence is personal, absolutely individual and at the same time absolutely public. The personality of a man is considered to be the «carrier of problems», the personality can’t be the “source of problems”. It makes psychotherapy an interesting (problem solving) and noble (strengthening the personality) occupation, as dianalysis is not focused on detecting pathology or revealing hidden «complexes», «mental abnormalities», pathological character traits or «unconscious» motives of self-destruction. The main objective in dianalysis is to help people find inner peace, reconcile contradictions (deep in soul) and find their way to full self-realization.


CHAIRS: Pavel Lushin (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Ecofacilitation (eco-centered facilitation) as an innovative psychotherapeutic modality has several interpretations and relates to the experience of transition characterized by a high level of ambiguity. The modality was designed and introduced by professor Pavel Lushyn in late '90s as a response to the transformation processes within the so called post-Soviet and global space. Ecofacilitation as a process is irreversible, nonlinear and unpredictable. It is based on the ideas of a) the adequacy of the subject to the existing vital context and b) the proficiency\non-deficiency as having to do with a redundant capacity of the subject to grow and develop. The situation of psychological help is characterized by a high level of uncertainty and thus requires of the ecofacilitator the capacity to tolerate ambiguity and to navigate in a dynamic and constantly changing environment. «Psychologist — client» relationships is viewed as a problem-oriented group or social ecosystem, the emergence and functioning of which is driven by the need of a client to help herself. In ecofacilitation it is implied that the client is able to self-diagnose and to generate adequate «psychological immune responses”. By these she demonstrates her basic desire for self-development and self-help. The time of an “ecosession” is determined by a consensus of both the client and the psychologist. A regular ecosession is short-term. Experience of pathology and deficiency is viewed as transitional in the course of personal development.

Emotion-image therapy «Emotion-image therapy: new possibilities and prospectives»

CHAIRS: Nikolay Linde (Moscow, Russia)

The Emotion-Image Therapy method is widely used in psychotherapy, practical psychology and counseling.   In the Emotion-Image Therapy these disciplines are joined in one cohesion, and influence of the Emotion-Image Therapy (EIT) can be tracked in different spheres of psychological knowledge. EIT is supposed to assist a person to resolve his/her psychological problems, to find the basics of these problems, and to self-counsel, which would lead not only to self-recovery, but to improvement of general situation. That is why the second name of the therapy is called “Analytically Instrumental Therapy”. There are significant achievements in correction of multiple psychosomatic disorders: asthma, allergy, pains of different etiology, neurodermitis, mioma, oncology, etc. EIT proved its efficiency in working with phobias and panic attacks, anaclisis, with grieves and losses, in masculinity/femininity problems, with birth trauma, discrepancies of life scenario, and many other psychological issues being a stumbling point for traditional methods of psychotherapy. This branch of psychotherapy is constantly developing new methods and is giving the reasons of different unresolved problems.

Ericksonian psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Vladimir Domoratsky (Minsk, Belarus)

Psychotherapy, using clinical hypnosis, which is based on the works of an outstanding practitioner of hypnotherapy Milton Erickson, his disciples and followers, is inherently short-term, strategic, integrative-eclectic approach, pragmatically aims at the resolution of emotional and behavioral problems, as well as elimination of painful symptoms in patients applying for assistance. The reports that will be presented at this section reflect opportunities of Erickson therapy in work with both clinical psychopathological disorders, as well as with difficulties of psychological nature,  disadapting personality and creating obstacles for the full-fledged social functioning of an individual.

Ethical Personalism

CHAIRS: Alexander Bondarenko (Kyiv, Ukraine)

The section of Ethical Personalism is dedicated to comprehension  and development of Ethical Personalism as one of the Russian traditions of Counselling and Therapy, based on the principles of the ethical effort and free rejection of victimizing The other as a way of being.

Existential psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Alexander Barannikov (Moscow, Russia)

Summary of the pannel: Anthropological basis of understanding of will in contemporary existential analysis

Mechanisms of forming and principles of psychotherapy of addictions.

The section gives the explanation of the main principles of the theory of emotions of contemporary existential analysis. The reports characterize basic kinds of feelings, shows the role which they play in the forming of will, describe the steps of “the method of reinforcement of will” and give recommendations for its applying.

It also includes the description of the mechanisms of the forming of different forms of addictions, differentiation of addiction and abuse, principals of the psychotherapy of addictions, the anthropological understanding of anorexia and the reflection upon the concrete cases of psychotherapy from the point of view of existential analysis.

Family and MARITAL psychotherapy and ecology of family and childhood
Systemic family therapy

CHAIRS: Hans Mauder (Vienna, Austria), Nina Lavrova (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Vasily Lavrov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Purposes of system family psychotherapy which creates conditions for mobilization of a personal resource of family’s members by means of harmonization of family relations, and purposes of ecology which searches for ways of improvement of quality of a life, of personal functional potential and of the person’s health by means of optimization of environment, coincide. Therefore problems of psychotherapy and ecology are considered in common, and we unite efforts for the decision of common problems in directions of improvement of quality of people’s life, of harmonization population’s relations and, that is especially actual for Russia, of increase in birth rate. Development of the methods, allowing estimating the state of family system and the readiness of spouses for performance of parental functions, is the priority of family psychotherapy and ecology. Combination of psychotherapy’s and ecology’s efforts under the decision of noted problem promotes search of the ways leading to harmonization of family relations, to improvement of quality of life of members of family and to mobilization of parental motivation.


CHAIRS: Albina Loktionova (Moscow, Russia)

Modern families become smaller, the child is deprived of the protection of the resources of the «big family», (protection and support of healthy o family members, in clear norms, values, enshrined traditions and holidays, which cover a lot). Now we more often find defizit, conflict or even traumatic child communicative and identification partnership, without any compensating. Parents unconsciously replace a child of the desired partner, or is transferred to the child's unconscious affective installation and feelings, which were to own parents. In the institutions of social support of the children often appear in the role of scapegoats, no one could see them for real. As a child psychotherapists, trained in the Russian-Austrian approach , work with modern Russian families to save the protected emotional space of the child , to help him to open the areas of emotional experience, which he had never experienced in his family, so that he has formed new neuron connections and new adjustment of emotional baggage the work of the section will be dedicated to this practical experience.

Healing creative psycholinguistics

CHAIRS: Olga Vinokurova (Moscow, Russia), Alla Semenova (Moscow, Russia — Canberra, Australia)

Healing creative psycholinguistics — is a medical-advisory, tutory method of psychotherapy, which is ecologically and philosophically oriented. The essence of the method is conducting a language interactive game for creating sound images that are corresponding to the letters of the native alphabet of the client. Feature of the method is to link the therapeutic process of creative work with breathing, movement, actual emotional state and phonation of every sound of the alphabet. The method allows resolving emotional and psychological problems without the necessity of going through the awareness of them, what is commonly painful for a client.

At the panel, theoretical principles, optimized psychotherapeutic models and tools of the described method, will be introduced along with long-term goals and specific objectives of creative healing psycholinguistics. Variants of working within the healing creative psycholinguistics, — sound respiratory-energetic gymnastics of self-regulation for children, language interactive games, complimentary respiratory psycho technology, therapy by the means of creative self-awareness in working with sound images — will be introduced in practical setting. Issues of combining the method of healing creative psycholinguistics with different modalities of psychotherapy will be considered.


CHAIRS: Rashit Tukaev (Moscow, Russia)

Integrative processes in psychotherapy, practical psychology and counseling, polymodal psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Viktor Makarov (Moscow, Russia), Alexander Katkov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Vladimir Sgibov (Penza, Russia)

Activization of integrative processes, finding of professional identity and the general information field for the numerous directions and modalities — the main tendencies and the main way of development of a psychotherapy in the XXI century. It is in the last decade developed more and more philosophical, scientific, methodological and technological arguments for original integration of a professional psychotherapy within uniform scientific and practical discipline with the widest horizons of development. Taking into account features of development of psychotherapy on the former Soviet Union, the integrative psychotherapy is, probably, one of the most interesting and perspective options of development of a profession. Constantly increasing number of reports and presentations of author's versions of a poly modal psychotherapy testifies to it at thematic conferences and the congresses of the last years spent by PPL. On the section of the congress of the same name all last achievements in the directions of an integrative and eclectic psychotherapy will be presented.

Mediation: past, present and future

CHAIRS: Rodolfo de Bernart (Florence, Italy), Nina Lavrova (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Olga Ruban (Novosibirsk, Russia)

The previous stage of mediation’s formation is characterized by accumulation of rich arsenal of the methods promoting the sanction and prevention of conflicts in social, business and family relations.

At the present stage mediation approves the created methods and ads new, aspiring to meet changing of social situation. Uncertainty of the theoretical positions underlying practical methods, discrepancy of the approaches used by representatives of different schools, arrogant attempts to impose the opinions contrary to the established positions, undoubtedly, create obstacles to development mediation.

We should recognize that mediation is in a state of becoming, and the prospect of its development is caused by understanding of the principles determining the communications of the disputable sides and the decision-making in a problem situation. In such situation representatives of the disputable sides, lacking authentic data, manipulate the accessible information. They are compelled to overcome the false information provoking the erroneous decision. Therefore the development of new effective mediation’s technologies promoting success of negotiations, must be founded on achievements of the theory in studying the nature of the information and in research of the brain mechanisms providing acceptance of responsible vital decisions.

Musical psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Valentin Petrushin (Moscow, Russia)

New achievements in psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Oksana Zaschirinskaia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) Yuri Schevchenko (Moscow, Russia)


CHAIRS: Elena Pechnikova (Moscow, Russia), Igor Dobriakov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia)
SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY: Galina Filippova (Moscow, Russia)

Perinatal Psychology and psychotherapy and psychology of reproductive tract are actively developing area of modern psychological science and practice. The practical application of the modality required when working with pregnant, future parents, preparing for pregnancy, family with a small child, and when working with psychosomatic aspects of reproductive health. Pressing and much sought after by modality is the psychological help to women and men in the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Every year the expanding area of modality, including perinatal and early impact of dyadic relations on the identity of the man, his physical, mental and reproductive health partnerships that determines the need for an integrative approach in practical work.

Positive psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Ivan Kirillov (Moscow, Russia), Maxim Goncharov (Khabarovsk, Russia)

Positive Psychotherapy (PPT) is one of the most influential psychodynamic methods scientifically proven to be effective.

We invite you to discuss possibilities offered by PPT to address the pressing issues of psychotherapy today:

— How to optimize the diagnostic, therapy planning and quality control using of complementary ideas of Positive Psychotherapy and Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostic?

— How the modern ideas of psychophysiology of emotions can be used in psychotherapy.

We will share with you the expertise of 45 years experience successfully applied on six continents.

Professional supervision

CHAIRS: Igor Lyakh (Novosibirsk, Russia), Alexander Zhukov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Along with the development of psychological, psychotherapeutical and consulting practice supervision should be expanded, professional supervision being an obligatory stage of professional development for any psychotherapist, psychologist or consultant — individual practice of a specialist should be supervised. Supervision is an effective form of professional exchange, growth, maintaining professionalism and prevention of burnout. It is the supervision process that allows incorporating innovative components in everyday professional practice. Supervision provides conditions necessary for the effective work of a specialist as well as the possibility of collegiate control of its quality. Consequently, the level and effectiveness of the supervision process determines to a large extent the quality of the services provided by a specialist.

The work of the section will include a discussion on the urgent issues of supervision. Besides, some cases from professional practice will be presented and supervised in the format of polymodal group supervision.

Process-oriented psychotherapy and psychology

CHAIRS: Luidmila Serbina (Moscow, Russia), Marina Belokurova (Moscow, Russia)

Process-oriented psychotherapy is a wide and diversified approach for work with inner experiences, chronic symptoms, conflicts resolution and relationships. It is based on simple and effective theories and practices developed by Arnold and Amy Mindell and their colleagues from Switzerland, USA and other countries. Having its origin in Jungian analytic psychology, Taoism, and physics process work is based on principal that the disorder produced by the problem contains resolution of the problem itself. Process-oriented approach became a comprehensive psychotherapeutic method, aimed to work with the wide spectrum of human experience. It represents a practical tool that helps individuals, pairs, families and group to gain more consciousness and creativity. Process work has been used in various areas including psychotherapy of married couples, large groups, for conflict resolution, body symptoms work, altered state of consciousness and addictions.


CHAIRS: Andrey Ermoshin (Moscow, Russia), Tatiana Perz (Trier, Germany)

Psychocatalysis is a method which helps to regulate psychical processes and to restore the effective autoregulation of the body through immersion of one's attention into his body and space perceptions connected with his experience. Aims of the activity: recovery of the integrality and balance, refinement of competence and realisation of the renewed potential. The experience of using the method in therapy of chronic pain, psychosomatic disorders, phobias, panic attacks. Addictions on the one hand and in the activity with children, creative and successful people being sensitized on the full self-actualisation on the other hand can also be interesting. We will also discuss the experience of combining the psychocatalysis techniques with art therapy, existential therapy, system family constellations, archetypal theatre, awareness therapy and other methods. We will try to show up the ways of development of the method.

Psychodrama and group psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Ilona Romanova (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

In the course of the section it is proposed to discuss current psychodrama problems, its development path and possibilities of combining psychodrama with other areas of psychotherapy. Possibly other models of collaboration that can employ elements of role-playing and psychodrama techniques will be discussed. Speakers may bring on to the discussion interesting cases from practice and problematic situations encountered in group work.

Psychoorganic analysis
Theoretical and practical aspects of psycho-organic method of analysis. PAST. PRESENT. FUTURE.

CHAIRS: Oxana Ascheulova (Moscow, Russia)

Psychoorganic analysis emerged in the second half of the twentieth century as eclectic direction. This is a psychodynamic direction, based on is the knowledge that the study of unconscious conflict leads to the release of energy, and as a result, the release of one or another symptom. This is a long-term method (the work lasts from six months to 3.4 years). The leading psychotherapeutic principle: processing of the conflict, which is the cause block in significant areas of the patient's life. This processing allows him to survive the energy of recovery and activity, which they may be used for resolution of the life problems. Analytical practice has shown that the unconscious has the property Two types of energy. When customers come in contact with past situations, sometimes they face the difficulty expressing feelings restrained before: sadness, anger, joy, and etc. (those that they did not have the ability or the right to express those situations). Manifested in this vital energy is called residual energy. With the help of specially designed tools in this area created an opportunity for the client to meet any of your feelings and express them.

Another type of energy is a consequent energy. Consequent energy poses potential to personality: wants, needs, not yet implemented possible. Identifying consequent energy — the fundamental orientation of the POA. Therefore, the analysis is not only what happened in the past, but also that may be in the future, that is in its infancy. Emphasis given area and work with the needs — basic physiological needs for love, care, self-realization, aesthetic needs, etc.


CHAIRS: Sergey Klyuchnikov (Moscow, Russia)

Psychosynthesis is one of the areas of psychology and psychotherapy aimed at deepening of Man self-knowledge, harmonization of his inner world, integration of conflicting parts of his personality, self-development and spiritual growth.

Psychosynthesis was created by Italian psychologist, psychiatrist and philosopher Roberto Assagioli in the twenties of the XX century and was initially focused on the most valuable connection that has been in psychoanalysis of Freud, Jung's analytical psychology, systems E. Kretschmer and P.Zhane.

Methods offered by psychosynthesis is based on a deep knowledge of Man of his own psychological nature, mastering of his own mental processes, creating a unifying center within himself and connecting with the Higher 'Self'.

In addition to the areas of personal and spiritual development these techniques can be applied to treatment of psychological and psychosomatic disorders, as well as in the integral education of children and adolescents.

Recently attempts are being done to use modified methods of psychosynthesis in awakening creativity, in learning of new areas of knowledge and even in management and business.

At the section of psychosynthesis apart from reports examining various aspects of psychosynthesis in its classic version there will be reports describing a new modification of the trend — the eastern version of psychosynthesis.

Within the frames of the Congress there will be a master class of S.Klyuchnikov «Fundamentals and basic techniques of psychosynthesis in psychological counseling».

Psychotherapeutic kinesiology

CHAIRS: Irina Chobanu (Moscow, Russia)

This section is devoted to development of kinesiology in Russia. Professionals from different fields like medical doctors, psychologists, teachers — can use kinesiology in their practice. The reports will deal with different aspects of kinesiological practice.

Psychotherapy as a BUSINESS

CHAIRS: Dmitry Scherbakov (Moscow, Russia)
CO-CHAIRS: Andrei Strelchenko (Moscow, Russia), Olga Prikhodchenko (Moscow — Novosibirsk, Russia)

At the she section discussed: developing a business consciousness; business models in private practice; bringing clients using modern means of communication; effective advertising techniques; presence in the Internet — your website, social networking, selling services online; creating demanded products and services; productive organization of seminars, workshops, lectures and webinars; pricing and organization of selling the consultations; establishing an educational and training center.

Psychotherapy in emergencies and catastrophes

CHAIRS: Alexander Appenyanskiy (Moscow, Russia), Judy Kuriansky (USA), Inna Silenok (Krasnodar, Russia)

Psychotherapy in psychosomatic desorders

CHAIRS: Guillermo Garrido (Panama), Nadezhda Zuykova (Moscow, Russia)

Psychosomatic direction is a multilevel and multiconceptual problem, that requires interdisciplinary and integrative approach. On strategies and tactics of treatment, it encourages us to consider in addition to the specific stress, also personality traits, clinical manifestations and dynamics of psychosomatosis. Therefore it is necessary to introduce a compulsory section on clinical psychosomatics in general educational programs and advanced medical programs for doctors and psychologists. It also requires dialogue and harmonious cooperation of psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, sociologists, and internists who take part in psychosomatic patients care. The section’s work contributes to the solution of so actual problem.

Psychotherapy in the internet and mass-media. PSYCHOTHERAPY on the television
new informational technologies

CHAIRS: Mark Sandomirskiy (Moscow, Russia), Nikolai Naritsyn (Moscow, Russia)

Section deals with the application of new technologies in psychotherapy, including information, public media, computer software and hardware technologies. The prospects of online therapy,  (E-therapy) are considered, especially social media therapy (SM-therapy).  The Internet influence at the social development and personal growth is discussed as well.

Psychotherapy of healthy people

CHAIRS: Andrey Strelchenko (Moscow, Russia)

The section discusses: the causes of therapy needs for healthy people, arbitrary concept of «health» and the limited known WHO definition in the present conditions, the role and place of psychotherapy in the formation of the dyad «image of health» — «image of disease»; basic concepts of psychotherapy for healthy people, representation of psychotherapy for healthy people in five models of psychotherapy, format of behavior of psychotherapy for healthy people, psychotherapy modality designed to shape the mentality of a healthy person; health-centered paradigm in psychotherapy, psychotherapy as a means of prevention and awareness to adapt practically healthy individuals, the role of psychotherapy in the increase of quality of life, interaction of therapy and regenerative medicine.

PSYCHOTHERAPY on the television

CHAIRS: Judy Kuriansky (USA), Vlada Titova (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Boris Egorov (Moscow, Russia)

Numerous studies conducted in the Russian Federation and abroad, clearly show that the situation in the field of mental and psychological health is deteriorating, and therefore the need for psychological care has been steadily increasing. However, opposing efforts undertaken at the level of public and private psychotherapy structures cover only a small percentage of the population in need of assistance and are not efficient enough. In this connection there was the need to provide psychological care to the population involving television, radio and Internet communications. This line of therapy is an important instrument for the prevention and treatment of social epidemics.

Religion-oriented psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Adrian Rhodes (England), Sergey Belorusov (Moscow, Russia)

For most of humanity’s existence, the mystery of what it is to be a person, was largely conceptualised in terms of religion and spirituality. Indeed, religious texts and teachings carry profound insights about what lies deep in the heart and minds of human beings. And for most of that time, the meaning of an individual’s existence could only be understood against humanity as a whole — a humanity which is part of a living and developing story of existence, behind which was a creator.

With the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th century, came a passion to understand humanity — and human beings — as themselves, through reason and science, rather than against a background of tradition, religion and revelation. We are infinitely richer for this movement. But the fervour of reason has too often led to the rejection and deep distrust of faith, religion and spirituality.

In this section of the Congress, we explore how psychotherapy and religion & spirituality, can work together, to plumb the depths of what it means to be human, about what humanity’s purposes might be.

Resourse psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Natalia Kovalenko (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Natalia Razina (Moscow, Russia)

Resource psychotherapy is a new psychotherapeutic model created in the space of integration of clinical psychology, family therapy, perinatal psychology. Perinatal psychology is the first chapter of this model, which formed the basis for understanding the deep mechanisms of unconscious links between the child and the parents, beginning from the prenatal period. The next level of resource psychotherapy describes the family system as a living system, and therefore the classical methods of handling it are significantly transformed. It is important that this model was developed being based on fundamental researches of Russian scientists such as Pavlov, Sechenov, Ukhtomskiy. Field of application of resource therapy is very broad: the resources of personality, family resources, resources of any organizational system. Experts who are trained on this model apply it in medicine, counseling, organizational and administrative work. At the workshop there will be presented the basic principles of resource-based approach of professor Kovalenko and the main distinctive characteristics and methodological tools that form the basis of the resource psychotherapy. The author will show the types of work under this approach: resource art therapy, voice therapy, resource placement. The basic differences between resource placement and Helenger’s systematic placement will also be shown.

RODOLOGIA (Childbirth science) in diagnostics and correction of labor programs". actualization of resourse states within the system of transgenerational links"

CHAIRS: Larissa Dokuchayeva (Yekaterinburg, Russia), Valeriy Dokuchayev (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

a kin as an open biosocial system develops according to certain laws. Knowing these laws enables an effective diagnostics and transformation of tensions, which appear within the system of transgenerational links.The work of the section allows an acquaintance with the methods of diagnostics and actualization of personal resource states in the system of transgenerational links. The presentation will cover Eurasian experience of the researchers from the Academy of Rodologia1. The section is chaired by the authors of the Rodologia method of diagnostics and correction of programs inherited from ancestors (kin programs).

Sexology and amurology

CHAIRS: Nikolay Kibrick (Moscow, Russia), Irina Panyukova (Moscow, Russia), Lev Sheglov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Meeting of the section devoted to current issues of therapy and prevention of sexual dysfunction and disharmony. Consider the contemporary paradigm of sexual health, discusses a wide range of issues related to sexual longevity, marriage satisfaction, quality of life.

Social psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Alexander Yuriev (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

The evolution logic of modern society requires a pragmatic assessment of the human capital of the countries and regions. In the era of global challenges like climate change, man-made disasters, overpopulation of the planet, mass migration, terrorism, extremism, the elimination of job and the collapse of the global labor market, the uncontrolled growth of individual human capabilities: economic and territorial freedom of access to information, practical development idea of human rights — in the absence of «safety», the social becomes unmanageable chaos, where the victim is a person himself. Earlier sound like wishful thinking, the concept of «ecology of relations» is a necessary condition of the existence. Social psychotherapy — it is an instrument of creation a self-organizing system of ecology of man, society and the government, an instrument that offers the «rules of survival» in the modern world. The panel will discuss the mechanisms of psychotherapy and psychological impact on the population, in order to counter the massive destructive behavior, as well as social epidemics such as extremism, terrorism, xenophobia, drug addiction, alcoholism, parasitism, game, computer and internet addiction, ethnic conflicts etc.

Symboldrama AND imaginative body-oriented psychotherapy

CHAIRS: Jakov Obukhov (Moscow, Russia-Zaporozhye, Ukraine), Ekaterina Rodina (Zaporozhye, Ukraine)

Systemic-phenomenological therapy and systemic constellations

CHAIRS: Mikhail Burnyashev (Moscow, Russia)

Theater of archetypes

CHAIRS: Irina Cheglova (Moscow, Russia), Evgeny Krasnoshteyn (Tel-Aviv, Israel)

The archetype theater, or archetypical analyser, is a polymodal methodology, used for short-term system psychotherapy and business consulting. It is also used in couching, self-couching and trainings. The methodology is based on three principles:

— An idea of Jacob Levi Moreno that personality is a set of roles. In order to solve a problem, one should have a capability to play the right role in given circumstances.

— An idea of Carl Gustav Jung that there are as many archetypes as typical working collisions. The main value here is effective socialization. According to this idea, there are the following archetypical roles: Prince/Princess, Warrior (male/female), King/Queen, Magician or Sage (male/female), Fool (male/female).

— Clinical psychotherapy that deals with inborn peculiarities of the body and character, which define behavioral patterns of the personality.

The archetype theater deals with functional phycho-diagnostics, conflict resolution, creation of to-be positive model by rebuilding the order in the system of archetypical (or bio-psycho-socio-spiritual) roles of a person on the edge of personal and collective psychical functioning. Coaching is being done in so-call “Houses of archetypes”. The main goal of the methodology is to successfully socialize talented people with high emotional sensitiveness.


CHAIRS: Alexander Kopytin (St.Petersburg, Russia), Alexey Lebedev (Volgograd, Russia)

The development of Russian art therapy takes place on the basis of integrating natural and human sciences perspectives, in the context of an active dialogue with those representing foreign art therapy schools. Russian specialists in art therapy rapidly explore various areas of its practical application, develop innovative forms of therapeutic-rehabilitative and preventive work based on creative activity of people representing different clinical and social groups. Sectional presentations embrace the wide spectrum of different models and areas of art therapy implementation including children and adolescents and adults. Questions connected to theory and methodology of Russian art therapy, the study of its therapeutic efficacy, its instrumental and empirical means on the contemporary stage of its development are considered.

Therapy by creative means of self-expression and characterological creatology

CHAIRS: Mark Burno (Moscow, Russia)

The Section works not by means of Art-therapy, but by means of Therapy by means of Creative self-expression by M. Burno (TCSB) as it is noted in many publications, some encyclopedic dictionary included. The essence of TCSB is in medical help to the patients to become himself with the help of self-expression according to his naturally clinical soul peculiarities studying them as he can. His self-expression has his own Sense, inspiration, social use (profit).

Characterological creatology (CC) is deeply connected with TCSB. That is psychotherapeutic help, also by means of Creative self-expression, to healthy people going from the natural peculiarities of their soul characters. It gives them an opportunity to find themselves, their creative way in the specialty already obtained. It can also be a natural and scientific approach of this kind in different investigation, for example, in economics, history, philosophy, art and so on.

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