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European Confederationof Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies |
"Psychoanalysis Inner and Outer Realities: Giving Voice to the Real"
With contributions from psychoanalysts and psychotherapists from European countries including Austria, France, Ireland, Israel, Russia, Switzerland and the UK.
Co-chairs: Barbara FitzGerald and Mikhail Reshetnikov.
Main speakers: Alfred Pritz (WCP-President, ECPP-Board member, ZFU-Rector), Barbara FitzGerald (ECPP-President), Adrian Rhodes (EAP-President, ECPP-Board member), Nicole Aknin (ECPP-Board member), Markus Faeh (ECPP-Past-President), Mikhail Reshetnikov (ECPP-Past-President), Leonid Broude (ECPP-Board member).
Friday 5th July 2.00-7.00
(As part of The Eurasian Moscow’s Congress)
In this congress, papers will offer views from wider perspectives incorporating recent developments within the field of Psychoanalysis. What challenges face Psychoanalysts today? Psychoanalysis is a complex method and field that has both inner and outer dimensions. How do psychoanalysts address deeper realities in a world where instant solutions are soughtthat offer certainty and immediacy? What are the borders between technological advances (social media) and the privacy of the inner world? Speakers and Discussants will focus on the positioning of Psychoanalysis today within societal discourses which reflect increasing complexity within people’s lives.
Conference Programme
13.30 — Registration
14.00-14.10 Welcome and Introductions: Barbara FitzGerald, Adrian Rhodes
14.10-14.40 Barbara FitzGerald: «The centre cannot hold», Inner and Outer Perspectives in the Analytic Space
14.40-15.10 Marcus Faeh: «Out of the Blue, into the Black»: Psychoanalysis in Times of Global Change.
15.10-15.40 Mikhail Reshetnikov: «Two Eitingons»: In the beginning of Psychoanalytic Education and Training
15.40-16.00 — Break
16.00-16.20 Leonid Broude: «Postmodernism and Contemporary Psychotherapy»: The Philosophical ground — An invitation to dialogue.
16.20-16.40 Alfred Pritz: «Education and Training in the SFU University»
16.40-17.00 Nicole Akin: «Psychotherapy in Daily Life: Mirrors and Illusions»
17.00-17.20 Ekaterina Mikhailova: «Unconscious Processes in Groups and Organizations»
17.20-17.40 Boris Eremin: «Minus K… some clinical material and new theories in psychoanalysis»
17.40-18.20 Panel discussion and closing remarks.